If a picture is worth a thousand words, how much is a video worth?


Maxillary Sinus Fungal Ball

Endoscopic sinus surgery was performed to remove a fungal ball from the right maxillary sinus.

Acute Sinusitis

A patient with cavernous sinus thrombosis (a blood clot in the brain) resulting from a severe sinus infection underwent endoscopic sinus surgery. You can see the pus that was drained upon first entering the sphenoid sinus.


Endoscopic Septoplasty

A deviated nasal septum is corrected in order to improve nasal breathing.

Septal Perforation Repair

A septal perforation that resulted after a septoplasty with another surgeon is repaired using a sinonasal graft.


Inferior Turbinate Reduction

An inferior turbinate reduction is used to shrink the inferior turbinates and increase the size of the nasal airway for improved nasal airflow. It is combined with septoplasty but is sometimes used alone.

Eustachian Tube Balloon Dilation

A simple procedure introduces allows a catheter to introduce a balloon into the eustachian tube. The balloon is then inflated to help restore the proper function to the eustachian tube.


Control of High Septal Nosebleed

A nosebleed from high on the septum is stopped using a narrow bipolar cautery device.

Endoscopic Sphenopalatine Artery (SPA ) Ligation

A patient at another facility was taken to the operating room to control a nosebleed. He continued to bleed immediately after the procedure, so he was transferred to me for more definitive management. He underwent a sphenopalatine artery ligation, and his nosebleed resolved.


Endoscopic DCR

An endoscopic DCR is performed to relieve epiphora caused by nasolacrimal duct obstruction.